Cultural Intelligence Workshop

How would you rate yourself as a culturally aware person?

🤔 The world is getting smaller. Our ability to reach beyond our sphere of influence and into the proximity to power has expanded. Cultural Competence is the differentiating factor most organizations need to use academic, experiential, and interpersonal skills to increase their understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities within, among, and between groups.

Where is the value in discovering your #unconsciousbias to learn more about #culturalintelligence and #diversity

With an hour of your time, I’m going to teach your organization

✔️ The value of understanding Cultural Intelligence

✔️ How to get your employees to become more engaged and productive

✔️ How to improve a hostile environment into supporting everyone in equity and inclusivity

✔️ How to improve your interoffice communication skills and turnover rate

It is uncomfortable to learn things about yourself that are not always favorable. By increasing diversity, equity and inclusion, everyone else is telling you that your workforce will be more productive and profitable, but the question is, how do you do that? I’m suggesting there's no one cookie-cutter formula to get inclusivity, and it looks different in different organizations. Implementing Diversity Equity and Inclusion correctly can be one of the most powerful tools you can have for your organization.


What is Emotional Intelligence?


How To Leverage EQ To Advance Your Career